Terms of Service Print

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KuaiCheDao 是由香港个人经营的托管服务业务。(KCD 或以下简称我们)。






如果您使用 PayPal 支付订单或续订发票,则 PayPal 系统中将创建自动付款资料。根据此类付款方式,PayPal 在服务到期日或前后自动推送续订费。即使您在我们的网站上取消对我们服务的订阅,自动付款配置文件也会继续向我们推送资金,除非您访问 PayPal 网站并从您端取消订阅。如果您在我们的服务终止后未能取消您的 PayPal 自动付款资料,资金将继续由 PayPal 存入我们的账户。

如果您在我们的帐户中保存了任何信用卡信息,则到期时将通过该信用卡支付您帐户中的发票费用。为避免您的信用卡产生意外费用,您应在到期日 3 天前删除所有已保存的信用卡信息或取消您不打算支付或续订的服务。一旦您的信用卡被扣款,任何退款均由我们自行决定。







  • 初犯:已联系客户;滥用报告已发送 — 需要在 24 小时内回复或暂停;
  • 第二次违规:暂停客户服务;客户必须联系我们对滥用报告提出申诉;
  • 第三次违规:客户帐户被关闭——所有服务将被暂停和终止。


对于我们认为信誉良好的第三方提交的每份滥用报告,我们保留暂停相关服务和/或针对每份报告征收最高 20 美元罚款的权利。未缴纳罚款可能会导致所报告的服务和/或同一账户下的其他服务长期暂停。


我们有权酌情收取最高为发票总金额 10% 的订单处理费。收取此类费用是为了补偿处理通过某些付款方式支付的订单所产生的额外费用。它可以在付款前添加到发票中,也可以包含在稍后发送的发票中。


对于在配置后 48 小时内要求取消的任何服务,我们提供全额退款,但以下情况除外

  • 只有客户在某个产品类别中的第一个订单才有资格。我们将自行酌情考虑任何后续订单的退款请求。
  • 频繁使用的服务不予退款。为避免疑义,使用超过分配带宽 2% 或 20GB(以较小者为准)的服务不符合资格。
  • 某些费用不予退还。其中包括:安装费、特殊服务费、付款处理费、退款处理费和其他管理费。
  • 一旦提供服务,相关安装费的全额,即使在下订单时已折扣或免除,也无法退还。
  • 滥用情况下不予退款。
  • 在请求退款之前取消或终止服务将导致该服务失去任何潜在退款的资格。在取消或终止服务之前,请务必先开票申请退款。
  • 在配置后 48 小时后提出的退款请求将根据具体情况予以考虑。客户同意在上述 48 小时时间范围后放弃任何退款权利。





Customer shall indemnify us, including our officers, directors, owners, managing agents, attorneys, shareholders, related entities, heirs, and assigns, from any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, losses, liabilities, damages, injuries, fines penalties, costs and expenses, attorneys’ fees, arbitration fees, mediation fees, expert expenses, and all other consequences of every kind, directly or indirectly resulting from any and all failure(s) of you or your agent(s) to fully comply with all duties, obligations and other provisions set forth in this Terms of Service. You further agree to defend, indemnify and hold us harmless, including our officers, directors, owners, managing agents, attorneys, shareholders, related entities, heirs, and assigns, from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, loses, liabilities, damages, injuries, fines, penalties, costs and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising out of any property damage or recoverable economic loss incurred by a third party, to the extent such damage or loss is caused by any act or omission of you or your agents in connection with the performance of this Agreement. You agree that we shall have the right to participate in the defense of any such claim through counsel of our own choosing at your expense. All services provided by us to a Customer will be deemed accepted when delivered. In addition, we expect Customers to abide by the policies enclosed in this Agreement and Hong Kong laws as well as any laws within the country in which Customer resides that do not conflict with Hong Kong laws. Basically, Customer assumes all responsibility for their activities, and if such activities result in any loss of money to us or third parties, Customer is responsible for rectifying the situation financially.

Limitation of Liability

Our liability in connection with this Agreement or Services provided shall not exceed the amount paid by customer to us during the three (3) month period before the claim arose. We shall not be liable for (a) any loss of use, loss of data, or interruption of business or (b) any indirect, special, incidental, consequential, unforeseeable, or punitive damages of any kind (including, without limitation, lost profits), regardless of the form or action, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability, or otherwise, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Customer acknowledges that these limitations are an essential element of this Agreement, and absent such limitations, we would not enter into this Agreement to provide Services.


The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision(s) of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect.

Effective Dates

本协议在您订购我们的服务后生效,并在您继续使用我们的服务或拥有我们的帐户期间保持有效。您或我们可以随时以任何理由终止本协议,并提前 30 天通知另一方。



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