
SG BGP / Metered

Hosted in Equinix SG1 in Singapore
Redundant, resilient infrastructure

Multi-homed w. transit blend of NTT, PCCWG, Cogent etc via CDN77
Directly connected to SGIX and EIE
IPv4 leased from Cogent Co

KVM virtualization
Computing resource starts from 1 vCPU 1 GB RAM
System storage starts from 10GB

2-way traffic accounting on uncapped port
Multiple IPv4 available for order
Complementary /64 IPv6 subnet

Starting from
$8.10 USD
$1.99 Setup Fee
Order Now
SG BGP / Unmetered

Hosted in Equinix SG1 in Singapore
Redundant, resilient infrastructure

Multi-homed w. transit blend of NTT, PCCWG, Cogent etc via CDN77
Directly connected to SGIX and EIE
IPv4 leased from Cogent Co

KVM virtualization
Computing resource starts from 1 vCPU 1 GB RAM
System storage starts from 10GB

Unlimited bandwidth with specified port speed
Multiple IPv4 available for order
Complementary /64 IPv6 subnet

Starting from
$11.10 USD
$1.99 Setup Fee
Order Now